What are Pioneers Mobilization Workshops?
The Pioneers Mobilization Workshops focuses on the leadership team, with topics that aim to help the team develop teamwork, teambuilding, team conflict competencies, and team efficiency.

Church Vision and Strategy

The Pioneers Vision Workshop is a practical coaching workshop, working with the pastors and leaders of a church to help “define or refine” the church’s vision and translate it into practical steps to reach that vision. Our approach is based loosely on the principles and concepts outlined by Will Mancini and Warren Bird in their published work “God Dreams”
*(purchase of the book is required).
Target Audience:
Pastors, church/ministry leaders.
*Used by Permission

Team Building Workshop
The Pioneers Team Building Workshop is a practical interactive workshop that merges the church's needs based on its vision, and identifies a strategy to recruit "the right people" to meet the needs. This topic is an extension of the Team Unity workshop.
*Pre-requisite: Pioneers Team Unity Workshop
Target Audience:
Teams that have difficulty working together.
*Certified by Lead Like Jesus to legally adopt this as our program

Team Unity Workshop
The Pioneers Team Unity Workshop is a practical coaching workshop, working with the pastors and leaders of a church to help develop team unity among team members. Our ministry is certified to use proven methodologies by Lead Like Jesus Ministry to show how and why misunderstandings can happen between team members, and how the team can overcome these potentials areas of conflict that can lead to disunity.
Target Audience:
Teams that have difficulty working together.
*Certified by Lead Like Jesus to legally adopt this as our program
*Used by Permission

Team EQ Workshop
The Pioneers Team EQ Workshop is a team-based coaching workshop for disparate teams interested in developing advanced competencies in teamwork and team communication through EQ principles.
*Pre-requisite: EQ Workshop (Personalized)
Target Audience:
Ministry Teams looking to improve team conflict competencies.
*Certified by EQ-i 360 Coach

Team Leadership Workshop
The Pioneers Team Leadership Workshop is an advanced practical interactive workshop focusing on how multiple teams work together to accomplish a common vision.
Target Audience:
Organizations looking to develop competencies in team-based approach to ministry.

*Certified by Lead Like Jesus to apply Biblical DISC assessment